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Here I mentioned all contact us information so that you can easily contact us.

Our Contact Details:-

Hey Friends! I am SS Pooniya and am residing in Indian village. This is my Hindi finance and investment blog. I write content about finance, savings and investment in Hindi language so our village’s friends can read and understand about the importance of savings and investment.

BigNivesh.Com is an investment blog and write content about importance of savings, investment, banking and finance. Our friends who are searching Hindi content about new investment, loan, and finance to start making investment or business in village.

If anyone have any question or suggestion about savings and investment then, can write in comment box without delay.

Our contact profile is simple and easy reach us and anyone can meet me if you feel need.

If you want to contact us. Please use our social media profile for example, GMail, FB, Twitter, WhatsApp or InstaGram etc.

For Contact Only:-

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If you want to know more about us then you may read more details on the about us webpage.

Our aim is clear if you know more then reach our privacy policy webpage.

Who can contact

  • Users who want to suggest about better content.
  • Users who want to ask question about this blog.

Who Don’t

  • Please don’t try to contact who don’t have any reasons.
  • People who didn’t read complete this blog.
  • People who have no question about this blog.

Our motto is to help all the people who really want to know about real estate, savings, investment, finance and banking, but I clear one thing that I supply content, don’t ask to make or buy any real estate, investment or savings. Our motto to spread awareness among the people who are living in villages of India and lack of knowledge about real estate, business, savings, investment, banking and finance.